
The main directions of work of the University on cooperation with employers and promotion of employment of students and graduates

1. Cooperation with potential employers and ensuring prompt filling of vacancies.
2. Establishment of business relations of the University with central and local executive authorities, employment services, enterprises, institutions and organizations (employers), etc. concerning the professional training and employment of students and graduates.
3. Introducing a feedback system between enterprises, institutions and organizations (employers) and the University to obtain an objective assessment of the quality of professional training.
4. To study the dynamics of demand for relevant specialists in the labor market, to submit appropriate proposals to the management of the University.
5. Creation of a database of students and graduates on employment, accumulation of a bank of potential enterprises, institutions and organizations (employers) for students and graduates.
6. Provision of information to students and graduates about vacancies in accordance with their professional training (specialty).
7. Organizing awareness work among students and graduates on regulatory legal acts on state regulation of employment and labor relations; advising students and graduates on designing their CV and posting it on the University's website.
8. Organization of meetings of employers with students and graduates on the possibility of their further employment at specific enterprises, institutions and organizations, activities to promote employment of students and graduates (career days, round tables, seminars - workshops, scientific conferences, fairs vacancies, vacancies to replace vacant positions on the request of the employer, holding meetings with the best graduates of the University, etc.);
9. Monitor graduates' employment and track their career growth;
10. Planning and coordination of work of institutes, faculties, graduation departments regarding the organization of employment of students who want to work in their free time.
11. Informing institutes, deans and graduation departments about available vacancies for further employment of graduates;
12. Advise graduates on retraining and advanced training opportunities to accelerate further employment.
13. Establishment of close cooperation with student self-government bodies in solving employment issues.

Career days and meetings with employers

It is a good tradition of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics to hold a Career Day annually, in which graduates and undergraduates have the opportunity to interact with employers, participate in job openings or interview.

Employers have the opportunity to present their organization and offer jobs to our students in various educational and professional programs and specialties, as well as to open up to our graduates the prospects of professional development and to direct them to acquire the knowledge, skills and skills necessary for a successful career.

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Рейтинг університету за оцінками роботодавців

Університет – 45 в Україні та 3 у Львові за результатами опитування роботодавців.


Рейтинг університету за показником участі у програмах Erasmus+

Посідає 26 місце в Україні


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