Mitsenko Nataliia

Doctor of Economics

office 316а, Tuhan-Baranovskoho 10, Lviv 79005, Ukraine
tel.: +38 (032) 295-81-34

Scientific and pedagogical biography
In 1984 she graduated from the Poltava Cooperative Institute with a degree in “Trade Economics” and received the qualification “organizing economist”.
In 1984-1986 she worked in the Zhytomyr Regional Union of Consumer Societies as an economist in the Department of Catering, an economist and head of the Department of Trade in potatoes, fruits and vegetables.
Since December 1986 till December 1989 she studied at the post-graduate school of the Lviv Commercial Academy with a break from production.
In January 1989 she began her scientific and pedagogical activity as an Assistant at the Department of Economics and Management in Trade of the Lviv Commercial Academy.
January 1989 – May 1994 – Assistant of the Department of Economics.
In November 1991, in the specialized academic council of the Novosibirsk University of Consumer Cooperation, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic of “Regional aspects of the formation of commodity supply of retail trade” in spec. 08.00.05 “Economics, planning, organization of management of the national economy and its branches”.
May 1994 – September 1996 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics.
Since September 1996 till January 2004 – Associate Professor of the Department of Economics.
The academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Economics was obtained in December 1997.
Since March 2003 till February 2004 – Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Finance of the Lviv Academy of Commerce.
Since January 2004 till December 2009 and since September 2010 till November 2014 – Head of the Department of Economics (Enterprise Economics).
Since November 2014 till July 2016 – Professor of the Department of Enterprise Economics.
The academic title of Professor of the Department of Enterprise Economics was obtained in February 2015.
In November 2015 in the specialized scientific council of Lviv Academy of Commerce she defended her Doctoral thesis on the topic of “Formation of local integrated systems with the participation of consumer cooperatives” in the spec. 08.00.04 “Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity)”.
Since July 2016 till August 2023 – Head of the Department of Economics of Lviv University of Trade and Economics.
Since August 2023 till this day – Professor of the Department of Economics of Lviv University of Trade and Economics.

Main academic disciplines:
Economy of foreign countries
Economics of a trade enterprise
International trade
Social responsibility
Economics of a small enterprise
Enterprise potential management
Economics of the restaurant business
Interdisciplinary lecture on current problems of economic development

Scientifc activity

ORCID ID:  0000-0002-0337-8346
Researcher ID: F-7270-2019
Google Scholar:

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