
Teachers of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Logistics during 2016-2021 worked on the implementation of research topics "Theoretical and methodological support for the development and functioning of trade" (state registration number 0116U006451), "Structural models and mechanisms of investment and innovation development of entities Entrepreneurship in the field of goods and services "(state registration number 0116U006452) and" Principles of development and functioning of markets in the internal trade system "(state registration number 0118U00021). Currently, the main research is concentrated within the research topic "Theoretical and methodological support for the development and functioning of the sphere of trade".

The results of research by members of creative teams are reflected in the speeches of teachers and graduate students at conferences, publications of reports and abstracts in collections of scientific forums, publication of scientific achievements in the form of professional articles, monographs, doctoral and candidate dissertations, use of this information in the educational process.

For example, during 2016-2023:

- a large-scale international scientific-practical conference "Strategic priorities for the development of domestic trade of Ukraine on an innovative basis" (November 2-3, 2017) was organized and held on the basis of the university;

- a collective monograph "Structural changes and current trends in domestic trade of Ukraine" was published in November, 2017;

- a collective monograph «Reengineering of business processes of trade enterprises: principles of implementation and development» was published in 2020;

- more than 20 collective monographs with the participation of teachers of the department were published;

- the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Problems and Prospects of Business Development in Ukraine" was organized and successfully held in February, 2021,  in January, 2022, in March, 2023.

Teachers of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Logistics take an active part in international projects, conferences, training programs and internships.

According to the results of students’ researches numerous thesis and articles are published in professional publications and conference proceedings.

Students take an active part in the activities of scientific circles at the department, in which they present their projects on actual topics of sustainable and innovative areas of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Logistics development.

Students of higher education of the third (educational and scientific) level of specialties 051 "Economics" and 076 "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity" during 2019-2022 were involved in the implementation of about 10 research topics.

The department operates a student science club "Entrepreneurship, trade, logistics and exchange activity" (led by Oleksyn I., associate professor),
Higher education applicants take an active part in the activities of the science  club at the department of entrepreneurship, trade and logistics,  where they are present reports  related to the strategy of a commercial enterprise, logistical support of business structure activities, stock exchange activities, public procurement, merchandising features of grants obtaining, startups creation and  functioning, etc. Read more

Provision on student science club “Entrepreneurship, trade, logistics and exchange activity” Read more

Action program of student science club “Entrepreneurship, trade, logistics and exchange activity” Read more

List of participants of student science club “Entrepreneurship, trade, logistics and exchange activity” Read more

Activity results of student science club “Entrepreneurship, trade, logistics and exchange activity” Read more

The plan for conducting scientific events for teachers, graduate students and higher education applicants for the 2023-2024 academic year Read more

The scientific work of teachers, graduate students and higher education applicants is displayed in the reports.

  • Report on the scientific work of the department in 2021 Read more
  • Report on the scientific work of the department in 2022 Read more
  • Report on the scientific work of the department in 2022 Read more

Proceedings of conferences

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