
The scientific activity of the department of food technologies is carried out in the directions of thorough scientific works of the teaching staff.

Ihor Mykolayovych Oshchypok, Doctor of Technical Sciences, academician of UTA, professor who headed the Department of Food Technologies until the beginning of 2024, is the coordinator of the scientific school: "Research of new directions of creation of modern food products and improvement of equipment".

Vasilechko Volodymyr Orestovych, candidate of chemical sciences, senior researcher, associate professor, professor of the Department of Food Technologies, Kurivnyk Scientific School: "Investigation of the sorption properties of Transcarpathian zeolites in relation to toxic heavy metals and organochlorine substances with the aim of using these natural nanomaterials in the analysis of food and non-food products."

Qualitative results of the implementation of scientific research topics and scientific activity of the department's teachers are participation in international, all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, publication of professional articles and articles indexed in international scientometric databases, publication of monographs, defense of scientific dissertations and application of scientific research in the educational process.

The teachers of the department work on the implementation of research topics with state registration: "Development of improved technologies of new range of food products and innovative equipment" (state registration number: 0118U000026, supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Oshchipok I.M.).

All teachers of the Department of Food Technologies take an active part in international projects, conferences, advanced training programs and internships.

Research work of students of specialty 181 "Food Technologies" is carried out in various forms of both scientific and cognitive nature, namely: participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, Olympiads, All-Ukrainian contests of student scientific works within the walls of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics, and beyond.

Based on the results of student scientific research, articles were published in magazines and collections of scientific works, including in specialized publications, abstracts of reports in collections of materials of numerous conferences.

Proceedings of conferences


As part of the activities of the Chinese-Ukrainian educational center of economics and trade "Workshop of professional opportunities", the winner of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of the OPP "Food Technologies" H.R. Sprin went through a training program jointly with the Zhejiang Institute of Economics and Trade (People's Republic of China).

The program was implemented with the aim of effectively promoting the internationalization of universities in accordance with the state program of the People's Republic of China "One Belt, One Road" and lasted from May 17 to October 31, 2021.

As part of the implementation of the Erasmus+ program, together with the partner John Paul II Pontifical University in Krakow (Poland), on April 4, 2023, the lectures "International Project Management: Practical Considerations" and "European Opportunities for Funding - the case of the Erasmus+ Program" were held at the Lviv Trade University of Economics.

The lectures were delivered by the Director of the International Office, Erasmus+ institutional coordinator Tomasz Knyaz and the leading specialist of the program, Ursula Kubicek. The lectures were an offline part of the seminar.

Sukharskyi Y., Shymchak R. - students of the second (master's) level of higher education of the OPP "Food Technologies" took part in the workshop. They highly appreciated the relevance, the possibility of practical application of the knowledge received during the lectures.

On June 13, 2023, as part of the Erasmus+ academic mobility project, jointly with the Opole Polytechnic (Poland), the university held a workshop for students of higher education, conducted by Professor Said Edaich on the topic: "New Public Management and the Rhetoric of Users Satisfaction" and consumer satisfaction).

The first (bachelor's) level winners Ivan Semenyuk and the second (master's) level winner of higher education OPP "Food Technologies" Synishyn Roman took part in the event, where issues of public administration, corporate management, current trends and digitalization technologies in public administration, etc. were discussed. It should be noted that the event aroused considerable interest among the participants.

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Рейтинг університету за оцінками роботодавців

Університет – 45 в Україні та 3 у Львові за результатами опитування роботодавців.


Рейтинг університету за показником участі у програмах Erasmus+

Посідає 26 місце в Україні


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