
The scientific activity of the Department of Computer Sciences is carried out in accordance with the scientific work plans of the University, the Faculty of International Economic Relations and Information Technologies. The main tasks of scientific work can be defined as the study and application of the latest achievements of computer science, the introduction of modern information technologies (IT), the development of search and applied research in the priority directions of modern science in close connection with the training of specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel; improvement of the education and training system; wide use of the department's intellectual potential.

Directions of scientific and applied research
The main areas of research work of the Department of Computer Sciences in recent years were:

  • participation in international and Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, the materials of which are indexed in international scientific and metric databases, in particular:
  • Iryna Artyshchuk. Designing a generator of random electronic message based on chaotic algorithm / Artyshchuk Iryna, Belej Olexander, Nestor Natalia // Collection of presentations 15th International Conference The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems (CADSM). - February 26 – March 2, 2019, Polyana-Svalyava (Zakarpattya), Ukraine. - National University "Lviv Polytechnic".
  • Anilovska G. Ya. Identification of prospects and problems of using artificial intelligence / Enterprise economics: modern problems of theory and practice. XII International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Odesa: ONEU, September 8, 2023.
  • Zatserkovnyi R. G. Modeling the quality of adapted textbooks for people with low vision / Zatserkovnyi R. G., Maik V. Z., Zatserkovna R. S. // 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology. Kyiv, October 10-12, 2022
  • Artyshchuk I. Automated design of the fire detection devices enclosure components / Artyshchuk I., Oksentyuk V., Kolesnyk K., Kushnir A. // Implementation and educational issues: proceedings of the XXXI International conference CADMD 2023. – October 26-28 , 2023, Supraśl, Poland.
  • Artemenko A. V. The relationship between economic inequality and social mobility in modern society // Global science: prospects and innovations. – Liverpool, December 1-3, 2023.

Only in 2023, teachers of the department will take part in 21 scientific conferences.

participation in workshops and international educational programs, in particular:

  • All-Ukrainian Internet program for teachers, a social educational project from the experts of ЕRAM and the IT Association of Ukraine from 19.01.2021 to 01.02.2021 - Artemenko V.B., Artyshchuk I.V., Kostyrko V.S.;
  • International seminar "Principles of OOP on the example of Java" - January 27, 2021, EPAM company - Artyshchuk I.V.;
  • Iryna Artyshchuk. The Controlling of Transmission of Chaotic Signals in Communication Systems Based on Dynamic Models / Belej Olexander, Artyshchuk Iryna, Sitek Wojceich // Second International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems CMIS-2019. April 15-19, 2019, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. - National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic". (Erasmus+ co-funded by the European Union).
  • Artyshchuk I.S. Development of websites and services. Development team. Development technology / By SSWU program: TEACHERS' SMART UP: SUMMER EDITION by Sigma Software. July 17-21, 2023.

In 2020–2023, teachers of the department will take part in 15 international educational programs.

publication of articles in scientific publications indexed in Scopus, other scientific and metric databases and in specialized publications of Ukraine, in particular:

  • Kostyrko V. C., Kostenko A. V., Plesha M. I. Teaching programming using structured block diagrams and design templates // Collection of scientific works of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding No. 1 (490) 2023. - S. 191–197.
  • Kostyrko V. S., Anilovska G. Ya., Plesha V. I. Designing a library for simplifying expressions // Bulletin of the Khmelnytskyi National University, No. 3, 2023, pp. 273–279
  • Babich V. I., Kostenko A. V., Plesha V. I., Plesha M. I., Khmilyarchuk L. I. The task of finding the shortest path: a comparative analysis of basic algorithms // Information Technology: Computer Science, Software Engineering and Cyber Security No. 2, 2023. P.99–106.
  • Rekhletskyi E.A., Anilovska G.Ya., Kostyrko V.S., Babich V.I. Software licensing problems as a component of the national education crisis // Tavriyskyi scientific bulletin. Series: Technical sciences / Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University. Kherson: "Helvetika" Publishing House, No. 4, 2023. C. 78-85.
  • Anilovska G. Ya., Kostyrko V. S., Rekhletskyi E. A. Digital transformation of European society / Bulletin of the "Lviv University of Business and Law" ZVO "Academic Visions", - No. 24, 2023. P. 79-86.

Only in 2023, the teachers of the department published 37 scientific articles.

writing textbooks and manuals, in particular:

  • Artyshchuk I.V., Babych V.I. Information systems and technologies. Practicum: training manual / [compiled by: I. V. Artyshchuk, V. I. Babich]. – Lviv: LTEU publishing house, 2020. – 188 p.
  • Kostenko A.V. Cross-platform programming: manual /A.V. Kostenko, V.S. Kostyrko, M.I. Bald - Lviv: LTEU Publishing House, 2019. - 233 p.
  • Krutyak M.B. Office software: manual / M.B. Krutyak, V.B. Artemenko, A.I. Pilyavskyi, O.M. Shoemaker. - Lviv: LTEU Publishing House, 2019. - 333 p.
  • Programming in the environment of professional accounting packages manual [reprint] / V.S. Kostyrko, A.V. Kostenko, M.I. Plesha, S. B. Kostenko. - Lviv: "Magnolia 2006", 2022. - 352 p.
  • Web technologies: lecture notes / V.S. Kostyrko. - Lviv: LTEU Publishing House, 2023. - 120 p.
  • Methods and systems of artificial intelligence: a summary of lectures / V. S. Kosytyrko, G. P. Okhendushko - Lviv: LTEU Publishing House, 2023. -200 p.
  • Development of applications for mobile devices: a summary of lectures / V. S. Kostyrko, G. P. Okhendushko - Lviv: LTEU Publishing House, 2023. - 181 p.

Only in 2023, the teachers of the department published more than 20 textbooks and manuals.

introduction of scientific achievements and knowledge into created distance courses, methodical instructions, etc.;

The teaching staff of the graduate department is constantly working to improve their professional level through internships in domestic and foreign institutions. Yes, only during 2023, the teachers of the department completed 17 internships, in particular:

  • A. V. Kostenko, L. I. Khmilyarchuk — at the National Transport University (Kyiv), from 02/07/2023 to 03/10/2023.
  • Anilovska G.Ya., Plesha V.I. — at the Poltava University of Economics and Trade, from May 2, 2023 to May 30, 2023.
  • V. S. Kostyrko, E. A. Rekhletsky — at the Lviv Polytechnic National University, from February 20 to March 20, 2023.
  • R. G. Zatserkovny — at Henson Editorial Services and North Staffordshire Press Publishing Summer School, August 30 - October 13, 2023.
  • Artyshchuk I. S. — According to the program "IT Tools for Teachers" from the company GlobalLogic" and SSWU: TEACHERS' SMART UP: SUMMER, from July 4 to August 3, 2023.

Scientific research is conducted in cooperation with other higher educational institutions. The Department of Computer Sciences cooperates with universities of Ukraine and Europe (LNU; NU "Lviv Polytechnic"; Lviv Branch of the European University; Center for Mathematical Modeling of the Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics named after Ya. S. Pidstrychach of the National Academy of Sciences in Lviv; Ukrainian Free University , Munich, GDR; University of Economy in Bydgoszcz, Poland; Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Gospodarcza w Przeworsku, Polska), performing joint research works and participating in conferences, round tables, etc. Also, many teachers of the department participate in professional associations in their specialty, namely, they are certified members of the public organization "Ukrainian Scientific and Educational IT Society", Scientific Society named after T. Shevchenko.

A rather effective direction of the department's work is cooperation with the leading companies of the Lviv IT cluster. Thus, within the framework of this cooperation, teachers participate in scientific and practical conferences, seminars and workshops, where they gained practical experience in the field of modern information technologies (SoftServe, GlobalLogic, EPAM, Alix, TeraConsult).

The lecturers of the department also provide scientific consulting for companies such as Softserve, InterLogic, Alix, TeraConsult and others, excursions and open classes are held for applicants based on these companies.

Knowledge, experience, and practical work are carried out by the teachers of the department in the framework of research work: "Development and use of software tools for solving applied problems using modeling methods, object-oriented programming, and artificial intelligence" (supervisor, Prof. A.V. Kostenko).

The scientific activity of the department is aimed at the development and practical implementation of the results of scientific and research works, the improvement of the qualification level of the teaching staff and the formation of the creative potential of young scientists, their involvement in scientific research and the presentation of the results of their own scientific work. Yes, this is facilitated by the presence of the head of the department, Assoc. Kostenko A.V. copyright certificates: on copyright and related rights No. 58281 dated 01.26.2015 for the database "Directory of Plant Names of Ukraine" and on copyright and related rights No. 63470 dated 11.01.2016 for the computer program "Geographic Information System of Plant Areas of Ukraine".

Scientific work of students of higher education is an important part of the educational process. All teachers of the graduation department take an active part in the research work of the applicants, supervise scientific reports, individual tasks, course and bachelor's projects.

Students of the department participate in competitions of scientific works. In 2021, students of the "Computer Science" specialty took part in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works:

  • Bar Svyatoslav with the work "Design and implementation of a website for a higher educational institution";
  • Nadia Gabriella with the work "Development of an online gift store".

In 2023–2024, students took part in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works:

  • Tkachuk Arsen with the work "Analysis and visualization of data using the Python language";
  • Rynylo Iryna with the work "Electronic diary of the educational course";
  • Ostapishyn Artur with the work "Technical implementation of the student platform for study and leisure";
  • Terek Olena with the work "Development of applications for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)";
  • Yury Lubusky with the work "Web application "Architecture of Lviv".

The department has a scientific student group "Computer Graphics" (head E.A. Rekhletskyi), whose program includes data visualization and application design.

Students of the specialty are actively involved in international educational projects. Thus, within the framework of the ERASMUS+ (International credit mobility) project, 2 higher education applicants (O. Rozlivanov, I. Kvasha) studied under exchange programs at the University of Pardubice (Czech Republic).

The scientific activity of the department is also aimed at the development of practical skills of the applicants and the implementation of their results. Together with the teachers of the department, students select free software for university computer classes, carry out computer hardware and software testing, prepare materials for distance courses, fill the test database of educational components, etc.

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