Law faculty


Assistant Dean

Leading Experts

  • Stasiv Ivanna
  • Jablonska Natalia

The faculty consists of 4 departments:

  • Department of Criminal Law and Procedure
  • Department of Civil and Business Law and Procedure
  • Department of State and Law Theory
  • The Department of History and Philosophy

The Faculty of Law was founded in 1996. This was preceded by the establishment of the Department of Law in 1986, and in 1992 - the opening of the specialization "Law". The university and faculty management paid special attention to the formation of the teaching staff from among professional specialists, who not only have deep knowledge in the field of law, but also are engaged in practical activities combining with scientific work.

Legal Clinic

The "Pro bono" legal clinic of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics is actively operating at the Faculty of Law.
The work of the legal clinic is carried out in two specialized classrooms in the building of U. Samchuk 9 - 520 classroom and the consultation center in the building on Br. Street. Tershakivtsiv 2/a.
Currently, the clinic provides free initial legal assistance, namely:

  • provision of legal information;
  • provision of oral and written consultations and clarifications on legal issues;
  • assistance in drafting applications, complaints and other legal documents;
  • providing assistance in ensuring a person's access to secondary legal aid and mediation.

Student self-government at the Faculty of Law

The Student Self-Government is actively functioning at the Faculty of Law, which consists of the Starostat, the Student Council of the Faculty of Law, and the Student Scientific Society. Students of the Faculty of Law are able to successfully combine studies with leisure. Taking into account all the challenges of modern times, the pandemic, war and other troubles that befall each of us, students try to be involved in all processes as efficiently as possible, because an active life position is the key to success.

The Student Scientific Society is an organizer of "round tables", meetings with leading practicing lawyers. Members of the student scientific society take part in all possible competitions, trainings, seminars, where they represent the law school of the university and acquire new skills.

Faculty teachers try to support all student initiatives and promote their implementation.

Pages in social. networks, where you can familiarize yourself with all the activities in more detail: (Instagram)

Faculty of Law of LTEU (Facebook)

International cooperation

Faculty of Law teachers are well aware that in order to improve their professional and personal skills, it is necessary to participate in international events and establish international cooperation. Therefore, with the support of the university and the university's participation in various international programs, teachers and students have the opportunity to actively communicate with foreign colleagues, learn from experience and share their skills. The university is a participant of the Erasmus program, so the teachers improved their qualifications in leading institutions in Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia, and received teachers from the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen.

In addition, being highly qualified specialists, the teachers independently look for foreign programs in which they can participate. They managed to work at the University of Vienna, gain new knowledge and experience at the Summer School in Brussels.

Also, taking into account the important nuance that the university is part of COOP Ukraine, representatives of the faculty participated in international conferences related to cooperation, this is an important point, since the cooperative direction is a feature of our university. It was possible to participate in a conference in Manchester (England) dedicated to the birth and development of the cooperative movement. There were also trips to: Warsaw (Poland) and a meeting there with representatives of India and the South. Korea; Seville (Spain), where it was possible not only to adopt the experience of world representatives of cooperation, but also to make a report on the situation in Ukraine and all the consequences of the war; Washington (USA), where there was also a speech and establishing contacts with American colleagues.