
The staff of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure  s working on research projects "Problems of formation of criminal law policy in modern Ukraine" (state registration number 0118U000030).

Qualitative results of the research topic are the participation of teachers in conferences, publication of professional articles, publication of monographs, defense of scientific dissertations and the use of scientific research in the educational process.

Research work of students majoring in "Law" is carried out in various forms of both scientific and cognitive nature, namely: participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, competitions at Lviv University of Trade and Economics, and beyond. According to the results of student research, articles were published in professional publications of abstracts in conference proceedings. Students take an active part in the activities of scientific circles at the department, in which they present presentations on problematic topics of the criminal law cycle.

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Рейтинг університету за оцінками роботодавців

Університет – 45 в Україні та 3 у Львові за результатами опитування роботодавців.


Рейтинг університету за показником участі у програмах Erasmus+

Посідає 26 місце в Україні


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