
Scientific achievements of the department's teachers and special awardees. 072 "Finance, banking and insurance" are in the repository

Scientific achievements of higher education seekers in competitions and contests of scientific works

Proceedings of scientific and practical conferences

I International Scientific and Practical Conference of Applicants for Higher Education and Young Scientists "Actual Problems of Development of the Financial and Economic System: Priorities and Prospects", October 21, 2021.
II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education Graduates and Young Scientists "Actual Problems of the Development of the Financial and Economic System: Priorities and Prospects", October 20, 2022.
IIІ International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education Graduates and Young Scientists "Actual Problems of the Development of the Financial and Economic System: Priorities and Prospects", October 19, 2023.

Student scientific group "Financial and economic support for the development of business entities"

Reports on the scientific work of students of higher education majoring in "Finance, banking and insurance".

The scientific activity of the Department of Finance, Economic Security, Banking and Insurance Business is based on the scientific achievements of the Departments of Finance, Credit and Insurance and Financial and Economic Security and Banking.

Scientific work of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance

The Department of Finance, Credit, and Insurance carries out substantial research in the following areas: financial management, financial mechanisms for equalizing disparities in the socio-economic development of Ukraine, state regulation of the development of non-bank institutional investment, ensuring financial and economic security of socio-economic systems, and others.

The Department staff work on the implementation of the research themes “Strategic Priorities and Instruments of the State Policy for the Development of Non-Bank Institutional Investment in Ukraine” (State Registration №0118U000024, Supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Prof. Cherkasova S. V.); “Methodological and Organizational Aspects of Research in the Field of Social Sciences, Humanities and Natural Sciences at a Higher Educational Establishment” (State Registration №0116U003209), “Problems of the Strategic Development of the National Economy” (State Registration №0118U000788).

The research work results in the teachers’ participation in conferences, writing professional articles, the publication of monographs, the defense of scientific dissertations, and the use of scientific research in the educational process.

The staff of the Department of Finance, Credit, and Insurance take an active part in international projects, academic exchange programs, conferences, training programs, and internships.

Proceedings of conferences

The research work of students majoring in 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance” is carried out in various forms of both scientific and informative nature, namely: participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, olympiads both within Lviv University of Trade and Economics and outside it. Students take an active part in the activity of the scientific society “Finance, Security, Banking, and Insurance Business”, which operates at the Department and where lectures on the issues of sustainable and innovative areas of finance, banking, and insurance are delivered.

Scientific work of the Department of Financial and Economic Security and Banking

Teachers of the Department of Financial and Economic Security and Banking Business are working on the implementation of the research topic "Financial and organizational mechanisms for innovation and investment development of the economy of Ukraine" (№ state registration 0118U000023).

At the department there is a scientific school: "Organizational and economic principles of functioning of Ukrainian banks in conditions of European integration" under the leadership of Doctor of Economics, Prof.  Kopyliuk O. I. On the subject of scientific school scientists have developed theoretical principles and developed proposals, which are reflected in the dissertation research of teachers and graduate students.

The Department of Financial and Economic Security and Banking Business conducts work on attracting student youth to scientific activities, which is aimed at: identifying capable and creative students, involving them in various forms of scientific activity; formation of general scientific culture, research skills and abilities of students;  popularization of research work; coordination of student research work. There is a joint student research group of the departments of financial and economic security and banking and finance, credit and insurance.

Every year the teachers of the department hold the first stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in academic disciplines and specialties, such as: "Banking", "Investing" and "Insurance".

Proceedings of conferences

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