- Research Department
- Student Scientific Society named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky
- Scientific Society of Young Scientists of Lviv University of Trade and Economics
- Information about the Scientific Society of Young Scientists of Lviv University of Trade and Economics
- Activity Plans of the Scientific Society of Young Scientists of Lviv University of Trade and Economics
- Reports on the Activities of the Scientific Society of Young Scientists of Lviv University of Trade and Economics
- News of the Scientific Society of Young Scientists
- Postgraduate / Doctoral Studies
- Regulatory Framework for Education of Applicants at Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
- Правила прийому до аспірантури та докторантури
- Guide for the Applicant of Higher Education of the Third (Educational and Scientific) Level
- The Procedure for Preparing and Defending a Dissertation for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree
- Excerpt from the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science on the establishment of Doctoral Studies
- Programs of Entrance Exams for applicants of the Ph.D. educational-scientific level
- Educational-Scientific Programs
- Curriculums for teaching of applicants of the Ph.D. educational-scientific level
- Participation of the PhD Students in the Implementation of Research Topics
- Academic Mobility of Ph.D Students
- Rector's Orders on the Catalog of Selective Disciplines and their selection by Ph.D students
- Annotations of Selective Courses for Ph.D. Students
- Вибір вибіркових дисциплін на третьому (освітньо-науковому) рівні вищої освіти
- Syllabuses of Obligatory Disciplines
- Syllabuses of Selective Disciplines
- Schedules of Classes and Educational Process Timing for PhD Studies
- Design of a dissertation abstract for the degree of doctor of science requirements
- Methodological Recommendations for Writing and Designing Theses for Obtaining the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
- Methodological Recommendations for Writing and Designing Theses for Obtaining the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Science
- Information about Potential Scientific Supervisors of PhD Students Dissertations
- Information about Potential Members of Specialized Scientific Councils
- Questionnaire Surveys
- PhD Studies Graduates
- Information for Applicants to the University's Doctoral Studies
- Specialized Academic Councils
- D 35.840.01 - 08.00.03 “Economics and Management of the National Economy”, 08.00.04 “Economics and Enterprises Management (by types of economic activity)”
- D 35.840.03 - 08.00.05 “Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economy”, 08.00.09 “Accounting, Analysis and Audit (by types of economic activity)”
- K 35.840.02 Commodity Studies of Non-food Products / Commodity Studies of Food Products
- K 35.840.03 Accounting, Analysis and Audit
- Promulgation of Dissertations and Official Opponents Reviews
- The Work of One-time Specialized Scientific Councils for the Defense of Dissertations of Individuals Applying for the PhD Degree
- Certification Training and Internship of Scientific and Pedagogical Staff
- Scientific Publications
- Information about scientific publications of Lviv University of Trade and Economics
- Requirements for Scientific Publications
- Rules for reviewing scientific publications in Lviv University of Trade and Economics
- State Registration Certificates of Scientific Heralds of Lviv University of Trade and Economics
- Excerpts from Protocols of Meetings of the Academic Integrity and Ethics Commission
- Editorial Boards of Scientific Publications of LUTE
- Scientific Publications of Lviv University of Trade and Economics of Category "B"
- Economic Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society
- Cooperative Science Center
- Innovation Center
- Scientific-Practical Center for Research and Protection of Constitutional Rights of a Person
Specialized Academic Councils
- D 35.840.01 - 08.00.03 “Economics and Management of the National Economy”, 08.00.04 “Economics and Enterprises Management (by types of economic activity)”
- D 35.840.03 - 08.00.05 “Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economy”, 08.00.09 “Accounting, Analysis and Audit (by types of economic activity)”
- K 35.840.02 Commodity Studies of Non-food Products / Commodity Studies of Food Products
- K 35.840.03 Accounting, Analysis and Audit
- Promulgation of Dissertations and Official Opponents Reviews
- The Work of One-time Specialized Scientific Councils for the Defense of Dissertations of Individuals Applying for the PhD Degree