Folk Choir "Mriya"

Folk Choir "Mria" - structural division of the university, was founded in 1985. History of the choir lays in its bright pages of glorious creative traditions spreadin Ukrainian song in the world.

The founders of the choir are  teacher of Lviv Music Academy named after  Lysenko, Honored Worker of Ukraine’s Art Ivan Chupashko and permanent president of  "Mriya"  - Honored Worker of  Ukraine’s culture ,  Professor Stepan Heley.

From the very moment of its foundation the choir has been striving for  sophisticated singing, looking for various forms and methods of work to achieve the best possible reproduction of choir music masterpieces. 

"Mriya"  repertoire includes: Ivan Zolotoustyy Divine Liturgy, works of brass music, folk songs arrangements, Ukrainian and world choir classics.

"Mriya" singers left significant impact  at Poltava and Lviv Song Festival Grounds in 1987,  1989 respectively, at the opening of  Choir Philharmonic Hall in Kyiv (1988),  at  T. Shevchenko’s memory honoring in Chernivtsi, in Kaniv (1991) and in Peremyshel (1992), in "Soniachni klarnety" programmes.

The unique museum of choral singing in Ukraine was opened on the basis of  "Mriya"  in 1993. In 1995 the choir started holding Choir Festival in Lviv, which later acquired  an international status.

"Mria" brilliantly won at international contests of choral singing in Miendzezdroya (1998, Poland), Uherskyy Brod (1999, Czech Republic), Neshatel (2003, Switzerland), Aizenhuttenshtadt  (2005, Germany), Radomsk (2012, Poland).

Concert tours along cities and villages of Ukraine, in many countries of the world have confirmed a high rating of "Mriya" in the field of choral singing, stable international prestige of amateur team, which is difficult to distinguish from a professional one.

Library Resources

E-Library of the University
Electronic Library Catalog
Електронна база видавничого дому "Кондор"
Електрона база ТОВ "Центр учбової літератури" (ЦУЛ)
Online Library of Educational Literature CUL Online
Repository of theses defended at the University for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences
Repository of theses defended at the University for obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences
Repository of theses defended at the University for obtaining the educational-scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Repository of Monographs and Scientific Articles of Teaching Staff, Postgraduates and Students of the University
Repository of Qualification Works of Higher Education Applicants of First and Second Levels
V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine
SCOPUS Reference Database
WEB OF SCIENCE Information Research Platform
EBSCO PUBLISHING Full-text Databases
ScienceDirect - Polythematic Database of Full Texts of Articles Published by ELSEVIER
Directory of Open Access Books
Directory of Open Access Journals
WILEY Online Library
EUROPEANA - European Digital Library
EThOS (Electronic Theses Online Service) - Scientific Works from Open Archives of British Universities
Database of Legislative and Regulatory Acts of Ukraine
GÉANT — an Educational Project of a Multi-gigabit Internet Network
Springer science and research books that can be downloaded for free
Useful Information for PhD and Doctoral Studies Applicants
Фахові періодичні видання КН

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