Human Resources Division
Leading experts:
- Ventka Nadiia Anatoliivna, a leading expert on accounting and reporting of personnel (tel. 417)
- Bazhenova Liudmyla Serhiivna, a leading expert on accounting and booking of military service (tel. 427).
Leading experts on accounting and reporting of students:
- Zadorozhna Romana Romanivna, (tel. 417)
About the Department:
Personnel Department is an independent structural subdivision of the University subordinated to the rector. In its activities, the personnel department is governed by the Labour Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Public Service”, the Resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the orders of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Board of Ukrainian Association of Consumer Societies (Ukoopspilka), the Statute of University and the rector’s orders.
The main tasks of the Personnel Department are:
- providing the subdivisions according to the staffing schedule with the necessary number personnel with respective qualifications;
- organization of accounting of the personal composition of subdivisions and reporting of personnel, accounting military service and registration them;
- putting on, passing, transferring and discharging the employees, accounting the holidays of employees and monitoring its providing, including:
- draws up the documents for admission, transferring and discharging of employees, gives them necessary certificates and other documents related to work;
- fills, preserves and issues the work record in accordance with current regulations;
- acquaints employees with internal labor regulations;
- provides record keeping and reporting of personnel, keeps records of the rector’s orders of the personnel of the main activity, of the holidays, of a mission;
- prepares the staff form of management and teaching staff of the University annually;
- organizes the timecard performing of employees;
- draws up the holidays;
- keeps diary of register of medical certificate of temporary disability of employees;
- organize the making out schedules of annual basic holidays;
- draws up and issues the extracts from the work record to employees about the service;
- keeps records of military service for all categories of the military registration;
- organizes the systematic monitoring of the condition of a labor discipline, prepares the materials for its offenders for imposition a disciplinary sanction on them;
- provides personal and statistical records of the movement of students of University, does personal dossier, sets up personal and students reference cards, makes changes to the registration documents, periodically conducts checking the students’ registration data with the dean’s office;
- accepts from the selection committee the personal affairs of enrolled students;
- forms the appropriate documentation for the Commission on public distribution of young professionals; draws up the directing to work, makes reports on the results of state distribution;
- issues and keeps a record of issuing documents on education of the University graduates, keeps records of the arrival of young specialists to the place of work;
- Compilation and submission of annual reports about the work of the University, namely:
Ministry of Education and Science:
- Prepares the data about the teaching staff characteristic.
State statistical observations:
- Registration Card of candidates of science № CS (annual);
- Registration Card of doctors of science № DS (annual);
- The application № 1 to form № CS (annual) A list of changes to the card of candidate of sciences;
- The application № 2 to form № DS (annual) A list of changes to the card of doctors of science;
- Prepares the data for reporting form № 7-PV “On wages by occupations of individual employees.”
Ukrainian Association of Consumer Societies (Ukoopspilka):
The reporting form № 6-PV “On the number of employees, its qualitative composition and vocational training” (annual)
The reporting form № 1 - Personnel “On the the composition and movement of personnel”
The reporting form № 2-3 NC “Indices of activity of higher education institution of III – IVth level of accreditation”
Lviv municipial employment center
The reporting form № 3-PN “The availability of vacancies”
The reporting form № 4-PN “On the planned release of employees” and “On actual release of employees”
The reporting form № 5-PN “About the admitted employees.”
Forms the cases for transferring to the archive.
Personnel Department closely works with institutes, faculties, departments and other structural subdivisions of the University.